🔑 S3 API

🔌 Here is the list of our S3 API compatibilities

High-level features


Flostream Storage

✅ Implemented

URL path-style (eg. host.tld/bucket/key)

✅ Implemented

URL vhost-style URL (eg. bucket.host.tld/key)

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

signature v2 (deprecated)

❌ Missing

Endpoint implementation

All endpoints that are missing on Sumi will return a 501 Not Implemented. Some x-amz- headers are not implemented.

Core endpoints


Flostream Storage

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

Multipart Upload endpoints


Flostream Storage

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented (see details below)

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented (see details below)

✅ Implemented

Website endpoints


Flostream Storage

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

⚠ Partially implemented (see below)

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

✅ Implemented

PutBucketWebsite: Implemented, but only stores the index document suffix and the error document path. Redirects are not supported.

Last updated