πŸ”„Token and Bandwidth

In our blockchain-based platform, the allocation of bandwidth is intricately linked to the staking of native tokens. This mechanism employs a sophisticated token-weighted algorithm, ensuring that the bandwidth allocation to each participant is proportional to their stake. Such a system is designed to promote equitable resource distribution, rewarding users who contribute to the network’s stability through token staking.

For individuals who do not engage in token staking, our network provides a basic bandwidth allocation. This service tier, operating on a best-effort delivery model, is intended as an introductory offering. It allows users to experience the network's capabilities without initial token investment, though with the understanding that this allocation is not guaranteed and is subject to network availability.

To cater to diverse user needs, particularly for those requiring immediate bandwidth expansion or who choose not to participate in token staking, we have developed an on-demand bandwidth pricing structure. This model mirrors the flexibility found in traditional Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) such as Okamia or Cloudflare, offering scalable and responsive bandwidth solutions on a pay-as-you-use basis. This adaptive approach is underpinned by real-time network analysis and scalability features, ensuring uninterrupted service and optimal performance even during periods of high demand or network strain.

This multifaceted bandwidth allocation strategy underscores our commitment to providing a robust, user-centric network that balances incentivized participation with accessibility and operational flexibility.

Here are two charts that visually represent the concepts discussed:

  1. Token Staking vs. Bandwidth Allocation:

    • This chart (left) illustrates the relationship between the number of tokens staked and the corresponding bandwidth allocated to users. As shown, there is a clear positive correlation – as the tokens staked increase, the bandwidth allocated also increases, demonstrating the incentivized structure of the network.

  2. On-Demand Bandwidth Usage vs. Price:

    • The second chart (right) depicts the pricing structure for on-demand bandwidth usage. This model is linear, indicating that the price increases proportionally with the amount of bandwidth used. This reflects the pay-as-you-use pricing strategy for users who opt for on-demand bandwidth, either due to insufficient token staking or a preference for flexible usage.

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